Saturday, 24 November 2012

Saturday 24 November 2012

Eliza Carthy & The Ratcatchers - Scan Tester's Country Stepdance + Lemmy Brazil's No. 2
Dala - Best Day
Sarah McQuaid - Only An Emotion
Dala - Lennon & McCartney
Norma Munro - Westering Home
Ishbel MacAskill - Griogal Cridhe (Darling Gregor)
Judy Dunlop & John Scaife - Star O' The Bar
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Gone, Gone, Gone (Done Moved On)
Joan Mills - Wednesbury Town
Outside Track, The - False Knight On The Road
Bill Jones - The Haymakers
Tom Paxton - Whose Garden Was This
Malinky - Leaving Rum