"Truth is not final but is continually and freshly revealed to all of us as our openness grows and our understanding deepens"
This belief is embodied in a book unexpectedly received in the post last week from a friend. Looking through it made me think - probably a good thing in itself. The book is a compilation of narrative, verse and art, from the words and pictures of 20th. century teachers Howard Brinton and Anna Cox Brinton.
Almost immediately upon opening it, the differences between illumination, illustration and collage become apparent. All are used liberally. The illustration and illumination do their jobs nicely, respectively conveying meaning concisely and drawing the eye to the narrative. On the other hand, the collages challenge the reader, with words and pictures intertwined in equal measure.
The book is entitled "A Quaker Marriage of Philosophy and Art". An apt description of its content, and for lovers of philosophy and art, a worthy addition to the library.
Thank you, Cathy.
(Ref.: ISBN 978-1-937768-12-6, Pendle Hill Publications)