The refurbishment plan is in good hands! The Design Team leader, Bill Coltart, is relishing the task ahead. Here's what he said recently on 'Linked In': "I am now a ....Conservation Accredited Architect....under the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland Accreditation. Current Key Project I am delivering is the Conservation and Restoration of the delicious 1766 Campbeltown Town Hall including the Conservation Management Plan."
South Kintyre Development Trust commissioned Bills' company, Coltart Earley, to draw up plans for the transformation of the redundant building into a centre for the community once more. Local business adviser Eric Spence has helped the Trust build a sustainable model for its operation. If the bid for funding succeeds, we can all enjoy the feast in 2015. The preparation, from mixing bowl to the icing on the top, will take around 14 months, with chefs of several trades getting stuck in.