Saturday 10 October 2015

Saturday 10 October 2015

Caitlin Nic Gabhann - Master's Return + The Mill House,
Hilary Bell - Bedlam Boys,
The Poozies - Percy's,
Dolores Keane With Mick Hanly - My Love Is In America,
Norman Mackay - The Leaving Of Paris (Platform 78),
Oka Vanga - Beneath The Southern Sky,
The Corries - The Boys Of Bluehill And Derry,
Steffen Gabriel and Cornelius Bode with Barbara Hintermeier - Quinn's + Father Newman's + The Boy On The Mountain Top,
Outside Track, The - The Hawk and the Crow,
Blackbeard's Tea Party - Hangman's Noose,
Catherine Howe and Vo Fletcher - In The Blue .