Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Tuesday 07 August 2018

Tuesdays Folk At Five is produced and presented by Trevox with guest Tim Dickson from Tree Of Life Computers providing advice and experience on editing images and pictures. Music from
Mike Oldfield, Tommy Fleming, Christy Scott, The Waifs, Harry Cox, Sally Barker & Vicki Genfan, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Trail West, John Martyn.

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth,
Tommy Fleming - Song for Ireland,
Christy Scott - Hope Street,
The Waifs - Sundirtwater,
Harry Cox - The Foggy Dew,
Sally Barker & Vicki Genfan - Hope, Songs, Dreams,
Mary Chapin Carpenter - Down At The Twist And Shout,
Trail West - Cast My Wish Upon The Sea,
John Martyn - Goin' Down To Memphis.