Friday, 25 January 2019

Friday 25 January 2019 (Burns Night)

Folk At Five

The Friel Sisters - Song, Tir Chonaill,
Ian Bruce - Raving Winds,
Robyn Stapleton - Comin' Through The Rye,
Joshua Burnell - Pastime With Good Company,
Joshua Burnell - Berkshire Tragedy,
Vri - Cob Malltraeth (gyda ft. Beth Celyn),
Katherine Campbell - As I Gaed Up By Yon Gate-End,
Stan Graham - I'll Lay My Blanket Down,
Grainne Holland - Goodbye Love,
Katherine Campbell - In Tarbolton, Ye Ken,
Chris Flegg - Gerald,
Storytime: Jessie Weir - Archie And The Enchanter (by Alexander Weir) Episode-003.