Saturday, 15 June 2019

Friday 14 June 2019

Folk At Five

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth,
Blackbeard's Tea Party - Stand Up Now,
Black Feathers, The - Blind,
Johnny Coppin - Moonlit Apples,
Jolly Jack - Farewell Nancy,
Meadows, The - Lowlands Away,
Iona Fyfe - Little Musgrave,
Skipinnish - The Lads Of Mull,
Red Hot Chilli Pipers - Rory's Baravan,
Vatersay Boys, The - Sonny,
Friel Sisters, The - A Stór A Stór A Ghrá,
Henry Parker - Prospect Of Wealth,
Jessie Weir, reading the story by Alexander Weir - Archie & The Dark Door Mystery, Episode 30.