Friday, 13 December 2019

Friday 13 December 2019

Folk At Five

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth,
James Tait - The Barrowburn Cream Scones,
Liam Merriman & Eoin O Meachair - Can't Help but Wonder Where I'm Bound,
Vision Thing - Haul Away,
Haley Richardson  featuring Dylan Richardson - Dr. Gilbert's + Trim the Velvet + Dowd's,
Solas - Arbor Day,
Connla - Forty Pound Jeans,
Hydes, The - Land's End,
Sunjay - London Road,
Ewan MacPherson - The High Surge Of The Sea + Caravan Up North,
Liv Austen - Window Shopping,
Jennifer & Hazel Wrigley - The Trowie Dart; The Hen-Pen-Dirlo,
Alex Campbell - Victoria Dines Alone.