Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Wednesday 09 September 2020 Playlist

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth,
Clair Tierney - Blair Witch Project,
The Poozies - Chuirinn,
Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer - John Lover,
Ange Hardy - Esteesee,
Preston Isle Metal Band - The Jolly Boys' Song,
Real Time - Bonny At Morn,
Martin Byrne - All The Little Boats,
Sinsheen (Barbara Dymock & Christine Kydd) - Slave's Lament,
Solas - Tell God And The Devil,
Caitlin Nic Gabhann - Jim Coleman's + Jimmy McGettrick's + John Dwyer's,
Poor Man's Gambit - The Second Goodnight,
Terence Blacker - Memories Are Company,
Phantom Voices - Loving You,
Zetor In The Kailyard - Colateral.