Saturday, 28 November 2020

Saturday 28 November 2020 Playlist

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth,
Sally Barker & Vicki Genfan - Something Blue,
Barbara Dickson - The Hill,
Skinner & T'witch - Dreaming Of A Safer Christmas,
Gem Andrews - Two By Two,
McCalmans - Lochs Of The Tay,
Jill Jackson - Dynamite,
Dan Cunningham - Out Of My Mind,
Seamus Begley - The Banks of the Sweet Primroses,
Yvonne Lyon - Hope,
Sarah McQuaid - West Virginia Boys,
Magpie Arc, The - Darling Charms,
Baile An Salsa - La Cummbia De Gerardo,
Iain Thomson & Marc Duff - The City Sleeps.