Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Katrina Bishop - Giddy Up
Stan Graham - Time Like the Tides
Skerryvore - Borderline
Douglas McQueen Hunter - Kilchurn
Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne - Female Rake + The Drunken Drummer
Celtic Social Club, The,  feat. voice & wisdom of Joe Strummer - Remember Joe Strummer
Alex Campbell - The Time Has Come
Ewan MacPherson - Dead End Glen
Stephen Wrench - This Time [Acoustic]
Shani Rose - Listen To The Music
Caitlin Nic Gabhann - Bo Na Leath-Adhairce + The Morning Lark + The Bohola
Brent Cobb - This Side Of The RIver
Rab Noakes - Tramps And Immigrants
Dan Walsh - Hermit Of Gulley Lake