Friday, 6 August 2021

Friday 06 August 2021

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Clydesiders, The - Always Argyll
Wingin' It - Raising The Bar
Eamon O'Leary - Sister In Song
Rhett May - Creatures Of The Night
Ewan Macintyre Band - Each To Their Own
Jennifer Juliette - I'll Be
Kelly Bayfield - Vapour Trails
Carbonhobo (Neil McCartney, Ben McCartney) - John Coltrane On Bleeker Street
Caitlin Nic Gabhann - Cill Dheagláin
Tim Malkin - Japanese Peru
Emily Mae Winters - Take Me In
Martin Byrne - The Ballad Of Thomas Ashe
Davy Graham - Sunshine Raga