Friday, 13 August 2021

Friday 13 August 2021

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Teds, The - An Ordinary Life
Iain Thomson - Scotland The Brave
Chris Flegg - Don't Leave Until The Party's Over
Haley Richardson - Dr. Gilbert's + Trim the Velvet + Dowd's (Featuring Dylan Richa
Brogue - Ettrick Lady
Screaming Orphans, The - Factory Girl
Bill Jones - Goin' Back
Jennifer & Hazel Wrigley - The Trowie Dart; The Hen-Pen-Dirlo
Tony Winn - Easy Money
Joshua Burnell - Raggle Taggle Gypsies
Gem Andrews - Medicate
Pete Morton - The Cuckoo
Little Johnny England - My Heart's Where My Home Used To Be
Johnny Coppin - Keep The Flame Burning