Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Slambovian Circus Of Dreams, The - Light A Way
Seekers, The - South Australia
Phil Hare - Lines In The Sand
Sunjay - No Regrets
Saskia - Since When
Session A9 - The Bellydancer
Cormac Gannon - I Got To Dance With The Rose Of Tralee
Johnny Coppin - The Brazier's Daughter
Allison Lupton And Her Band - Poverty Knock
Chris Lewington - Spread Your Wings
Neil Johnstone & Lousie Bichan - Whal's Rost + Colin Scott Mackenzie Of Stornoway + PM Donald MacLean Of Lewis + The Lost Summer
Faustus - I Would This War Were Ended