Saturday, 16 July 2022

Saturday 16 July 2022

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Duncan McCrone - Harbour Wall
Ewan Maccoll (with Peggy Seeger) - The Monymusk Lads
Alison Burns - If I Keep My Heart Out Of Sight
Stephen Harrison - The Middle Of The Morning
Portraits, The - Nostalgia
Kevin Macleod - The Scottish Horse Marches
Frank Burkitt Band, The - The Gypsy Barber
Carbonhobo (Neil McCartney, Ben McCartney) - The Road To Old Siam
Sarah McQuaid - Time To Love
Darren Hume - Living In A Pothole
Saskia - If You Couldn't Lie
Oka Vanga - Don't Let The Clouds Roll In
Matt Woosey Band, The - Find A Way
Tom Fairnie - A Quiet Life
Ross & Ali - Action