Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Clutha, The - Tramps And Hawkers
Glenn Hodge Banned - Landed On Your Feet
Carbonhobo (Neil McCartney, Ben McCartney) - The Maids Of Michelstown
Skerryvore - Happy To Be Home
Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer - Grandpa Joe
Paul Anderson - Ossian
Archie McAllister - The Argyllshire Gathering
Spinners - The Fairlie Duplex Engine
Rachel Croft - Hot Rain
Virginia Kettle - The Butter Song
Stephen Clark - Shimmering Light [Instrumental]
Ivy Mor - In Other Words
Seekers - The Gypsy Rover (The Whistling Gypsy)
Louis Abbott And Sarah Hayes - If Only
Ben Bedford - High And Low