Monday, 17 October 2022

Monday 17 October 2022

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Robb Johnson - George Lets Us Know
Eddi Reader - Pangur Ban And The Primrose Lass
Little Unsaid, The - Particles
James Keelaghan - Next To You
Belinda Kempster & Fran Foote - John Barleycorn
Johnny Coppin - Safe Home
Joshua Burnell - Fair As The Heather
Bella Hardy - Three Black Feathers
Freewheelers - The Bank of Ireland + Murphy's Greyhound
Ben Sures - Boring People
Ange Hardy - The Foolish Heir
Nordic Fiddlers Bloc, The - Waltz after Lasse In Lyby
Outside Track, The - Troll + Sean's Slip
Pipedown - Reels