Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Chris Flegg - The Road To The Rainbow's End
Skerryvore - The Showman
Caitlin Nic Gabhann - Heartstrings
Tom Saunders (Happy Familes) - Nowhere At All
Heavens Wings ft. Kathi Loizenbauer - Spread Your Wings
Lorraine Jordan - A Sign
Bob Frankee - Country Of Exiles
Iain Thomson & Marc Duff - An t-Eileen Alainn
Norma Munro - The Jute Mill Song
Merry Hell - Sailing Too Close To The Wind
Barbara Dickson & Rab Noakes - The Same Sky
Allan Yn Y Fan - Marwnad Yr Ehedydd + Tune for a New Bought Accordion
Niteworks - Di Dha Shuil