Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Rory Matheson & Graham Rorie - The Winning Bid
Norma Munro - Rantin' Robin
Kaela Rowan - The Bonnie Woods O' Hatton
Jennifer & Hazel Wrigley - Swelkie, The Teran
Peter James Millson - The Red Cafe
Graham Mackenzie - First Is The Way
Lost Words, The - Charm On, Goldfish
Lonny Ziblat - Healing
Alf Hale - Suffer And Die
Carrivick Sisters, The - The Gorge
Ange Hardy - Crafty Father John
Bellevue Rendezvous - Hedna + Slangpolska Efter Karl Kollberg + Polska Fran Overvanin
Jo Miller - Kathleen's
James Keelaghan - McConnville's