Thursday, 12 October 2023

Thursday 12 October 2023

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Andrew Calhoun - May Colvin
Faeland  - Prayer Song
Rab Noakes & Brooks Williams - Hello Amy
John Alexander - Breathe
Justin Bernasconi - Dancing Elephant
Bella Hardy - Full Moon Over Amsterdam (2019 version)
John Blek - Raven's Cry
Alistair Anderson - Rosy Morning
Robyn Stapleton - Ca' The Yowes
Emily Askew Band, The - Alle Psallite Cum Luya + Salve Virgo Virginum + Propinan De Mey
O'hAnleigh - The Old Lamplighter
Maeve MacKinnon - We're Not Staying
Ross Ainslie - Morning After