Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Wednesday 05 June 2024

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth
Tony McManus - Sï Dolce È'l Tormento
Natalie D-Napoleon - You Wanted To Be The Shore But Instead You Were The Sea
Iona Lane - Mermaid
Blackbeard's Tea Party - The New Jigs
Ninebarrow - The Snows They Melt The Soonest
Assembly Lane - 1845
Dulcie Taylor - Halfway To Jesus
Pauline Vallance - I Sing Because
Trials Of Cato, The - Haf
Gailfean - Hunting The Hare, Swaggering, Hardiman The Fiddler (Slip Jigs)
Henry Girls - The Farmer Song
Colleen Raney - The Cruel Brother
James Keelaghan - Cold Missouri Waters