Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Tuesday 08 December 2020 Playlist

Mike Oldfield - Portsmouth,
Elles Bailey - You Are Not Alone,
Chris Flegg - Cat House,
Steven MacIomhair - A Chailin Alainn,
Johnny Coppin - Hallelujah,
Kaity Rae - It Is,
Stan Graham - All The Young Soldiers,
Alex Campbell - The Durham Lockout,
Coaltown Daisies, The - Slowly In Circles,
Socks In The Frying Pan - The Invasion,
Greg Russell & Ciaran Algar - Limbo,
Daria Kulesh - Shame or Glory,
Friel Sisters, The - Moorlough Shores,
Maniacs, The - General Suwarrow's Strathspey.